30 Hour Provision

What is the 30 hour Provision?

So what is the free childcare deal?
In a nutshell, many working parents of 3 to 4 year olds in England will be eligible for the 30 hours (1140  hrs a year) of free childcare – rather than the current 15 hours (570 hours). This is for 38 weeks per year (not 52)  - its equivalent to school term times. In theory, you may be able to spread the free childcare out over further weeks, but this will mean you’ll get fewer than 30 hours childcare each week.


Will my child get it?
Not everyone is eligible – the extra hours are only available to working parents who work more than 16 hours a week and earn under £100,000 per year (each). This is different to the current free childcare scheme which is open to everyone.


To be eligible for 30 hours of free childcare:
•    Your child will be aged 3 or 4 when the scheme starts
•    You work more than 16 hours per and/or earn at least £107 per week up
•    You have an annual income of less than £100,00 (per person)
It is estimated that over 80% of this upcoming cohort will be entitled to the 30 hours and we expect this to grow in time.


Will Bengeo Nursery and Bengeo Playgroup be offering this?
Yes, we will continue to work in partnership to help provide the 30 hours. However, it will be subject to availability. You can split your 30 hour entitlement between a maximum of 3 Ofsted registered providers, which can include childminders.


Can this be used for Busy Lizzies wrap around Breakfast, Afterschool and Holiday scheme?
Not at present as we are not registered to accept funding, but it is something we are looking into. If we did you could claim some of your hours during the school holidays. Of course you can still attend Busy Lizzies, but would have to pay.



The new 30 hours initiative is now available for you to get your 30 hour code.

Please visit www.childcarechoices.gov.uk

Once you have your code please email it through to me or add it to your application form.

Please note if you wish to be set up for the new childcare vouchers system too that is on the link above and to assign it to the playgroup our ID no is: 50003967158

Bengeo Playgroup

Bengeo Primary School
The Avenue, Bengeo,

Herts, SG14 3DX



Tel: 01992 304477
